Re-entry Consulting
ReCA utilizes its lived experience to educate individuals and organizations on the inner workings of the carceral system. Some of the organizations that ReCA works with include:
- Federal, State, and County Probation Departments
- Transitional Housing (Halfway and Three-quarter Housing)
- Companies that hire the formerly incarcerated
Re-entry Support Services
One of ReCA’s core strengths is working with individuals – especially the formerly incarcerated – to discover or rediscover their true, best self. To that end, ReCA offers not only one-to-one and group life coaching, but also a system of cognitive-behavioral awareness classes to help the participants examine their thinking and its link to behaviors, thus facilitating a thriving life that allows them to reach their full potential. All of our classes utilize a two phased coach approach in the facilitation:
Phase 1: Cognitive-Behavioral Awareness
Phase 2: Life Coaching Introduction and Facilitator Training System
Workforce Development
In preparing participants for the workforce, ReCA is able to help them discover their work-related interests, build their resume, practice their job-interviewing skills, and much more. ReCA also partners with employers through a re-entry consortium and local initiatives to find employment opportunities for its participants.
Several of our coaches are certified offender workforce development specialists (OWDS)

Recovery Support Services
ReCA has recovery coaches and peer specialists on staff who work with individuals and families struggling to overcome the negative impacts of substance use disorder. This is especially important for men and women re-entering society since so many individuals who commit crimes struggle with substance use.
Veteran Support Services
United States veterans are a multifaceted population with a distinct culture that includes but is not limited to, values, customes, ethos, selfless duty, codes of conduct, implicit patterns of communication, and obedience to command. Many veterans struggle to transition from the distinct military culture back to their communities. Veterans experieince mental health disorders, substance use disorders, post-traumatic stress, and traumatic brain injury at disproportianate rates compared to their civilian counterparts. Eighteen to twenty two American veterans commit suicide daily and young veterans aged 18-44 are most at risk. In addition to these startling statistics veterans make up a significant percentage of the homeless population in this Country.
During our engagements with the community and friends, we at ReCA have found that there is major overlap between what formerly incarcerated individuals need in support of their successful transition home and what veterans need in support of their re-entering society from long times abroad or in other endeavors for the military. We seek to collaborate with veterans to be able to design pathways for their successful reentry as well.
Community Connections
ReCA is establishing itself as an active member of communities across several states by collaborating with various public and private sector entities. Our team has worked in collaboration with federal, state, and county officials in creating better pathways to reentry the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated. We have also collaborated with multiple educational institutions to offer a balanced perspective in their respective pursuits.
It is one of our core tenets to pave the way for a new paradigm of community collaborations for the building of a thriving society reaching its full potential like the individuals that we coach. No longer will the paradigm of the “us v them” mentality be allowed to persist in undermining growth and transformation. Collaboration will instead heal and grow society.

We utilize various methods for delivering our services. Means such as webinars, training sessions, workshops, and individual coaching sessions are used to help facilitate the growth and transformation of our clients. All of our packages are tailored to the needs of the specific client. Also, during these times of social distancing, our organization has been training on various virtual platforms to be able to continue servicing those returning into society. It is imperative that we stay out in front of these trends so that we can effectively and efficiently facilitate the transformation of lives via these online platforms. We believe that this will give us a distinct competitive advantage.